Select Your Member Type

Please note that to complete the application process and be approved as a new member, your membership dues must be paid in full.  

If you wish to register yourself or institution, please select your membership.  If you are registering on the site to be able to purchase MSA products as a non-member and do not wish to join MSA as a member, please select Guest.

Institution: for museum stores and non-profit retail professionals.

Institution (For Profit): for profit museum stores.

Vendor: for vendors and suppliers providing products or services to museum stores.

Sales Representative: for individuals providing sales representation to museum stores on behalf of a current MSA Vendor Member.

Nonprofit Retail Professional: for individuals of museum stores.

Guest: for non-member site users who want to purchase MSA products such as the Retail Industry Report.

Connect, Learn, Do Business

Museum Store Association P.O. Box 3861, Greenwood Village, CO 80155 Ph: (202) 838-3140